Desert Art Center – Jury Process

how it works

Desert Art Center – Jury Process Season 2024-2025


NEXT JURY: October 1 – 24, 2024

The Desert Art Center is the longest running art center in the Coachella Valley. We provide art education to adults and children in a range of mediums. Our refurbished gallery, on Palm Canyon Drive, is a historic building and was the city’s first school. In normal years we aim for 4 or 5 major shows each year which are open daily. Gallery members can exhibit and sell their art to the public. We are a non-profit organization and use all our profits for the educational work of our organization.

Gallery membership is both a privilege and a commitment. As a gallery member you are allowed to exhibit in our main gallery shows and to sell your art. We also expect you to become involved in the co-operative nature of our volunteer organization. When the jurors judge your work, they are looking for not just artistic excellence but assessing whether your work will add something new and different to our gallery, and will it sell. They will also discuss your willingness to become involved in our organization and what skills and experience you can bring. If you are not a member of the DAC you can join at While on our website, check the GALLERY DISPLAY RULES and choose your gallery category. This is a two-stage application process, initially digital and secondly personal presentation of art. The initial application process is handled by There is a non-refundable $25 jury application fee payable to onlinejuriedshows. There will be two juries in our 2024-2025 season

Stage 1 Entry – For the first stage, applicants must submit their work digitally. Go to , create a new account or login. Find the Desert Art Center under Current Shows and follow the instructions. You may submit in only one category. (Existing Gallery members may submit in a new section but please read the gallery display rules for requirements.) You will be asked to submit between 6-10 digital images of your artwork. The title of each photo should contain the Title of the work, the medium, and width x height (x depth if 3D). Applications are invited in any medium except jewelry.

Stage 2 – Shortlist entry – From the initial applicants, the jurors will select a shortlist of artists, who will be asked to bring in two representative pieces of work on a date and at a time to be agreed. Do check the GALLERY DISPLAY RULES before presenting your work. Your work should be ready for display. It is essential that you live near enough to the Desert Art Center so that you can contribute to its co-operative nature.

Help – For help with the digital application, please follow the link on the website. Any other questions to Successful New Gallery Members will be notified by e-mail with the jury’s decisions. If your work is accepted, you will be eligible to become a Gallery Member, after paying the Gallery Members’ fee. You will be expected to submit art for at least two shows each year. If you do not, your gallery membership may be invalidated.

Schedule of Dates 

  • 1st Jury Applications through   October 1 – 24, 2024
  • Inspection of Artwork of shortlisted artists at DAC November 3
  • First Show Intake for new members December 2    
  • 2nd Jury Applications through – February 3 – 21, 2025
  • Inspection of Artwork of shortlisted artists at DAC March 1. 2025
  • First Show intake for new members March 31 2025

Commitment – Once you are a Gallery Member and pay your annual Gallery Membership dues you may show your work in our gallery. You are expected to submit work for the regular shows. In turn you are required to host the gallery one day each month. You will be asked to attend an orientation, dates to be announced later and also invited to participate in other volunteer activities.

Liability – By submitting artwork, artists acknowledge insurance is the responsibility of each individual artist. The Desert Art Center will not be held responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property owned by you.

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