governing committees
dac governing committees
The Governing Board of the Desert Art Center is made up of the Executive Committee, who are elected by the membership for two-year terms, and the chairpersons of the Standing Committees who are elected by the Board of Directors.
All Officers of the Board and Committee Members are artist-members of the Desert Art Center. To volunteer and to contribute to operating the organization, contact any of the committee members or send an email to Members may log in to view committee descriptions here
2024-2025 BOARD AND COMMITTEE CHAIRS EXECUTIVE BOARD Co-President: Bruce Weber Co-President: Lisa Loudin Secretary: Cindy Mason Treasurer: Candace Kahn Resource Development: Vacant Promotions: Diana Shay-Diehl COMMITTEE CHAIRS Membership: Chris Houser Arts Enrichment: Chair open Events/Hospitality: Janis Buller Gallery Coordinators: Ian Cooke Adult Art Classes: MaryAnne Brower Middle School Arts Program (MSAP): Cheyenne Poe STAFF MEMBERS DAC Administrative Assistant: Cheyenne Poe Building Supervisor: Lindy Ballard Book Keeper: Bean Counter